Our Story

Molly Patrick and Luanne Teoh met in Oakland, California, in 2008. Luanne immigrated to the United States from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in 2002 with two suitcases, a one-way ticket, and her eye set on technology. Molly was a San Francisco Bay Area transplant from a small town in New Mexico with a passion for helping people eat more plants. Together they created Clean Food Dirty Girl.

Everyone is Welcome!

Our Mission

We help people eat more plants while celebrating human imperfection.

Why Whole Food Plant Based?

Because we can’t think of any other single habit someone can adopt that helps so many important areas of life.

For physical and mental health.
For the health of the planet.
For the well-being of animals.

Plus, eating plant based is delicious, especially when you follow our recipes.

Our Team

Get to know more about each of our awesome team members located around the world.