Health Makeovers

My dear, please consult with your doctor before making any changes to your diet or medication.

Heart Health

Jeff was able to stop all cholesterol medication and Melinda fell in love with cooking again

Melinda and Jeff discovered Clean Food Dirty Girl and have found joy in our meal plans and cooking together. Jeff’s cholesterol has markedly decreased, and he was able to cut his medication after fully embracing a whole food plant based diet. Melinda went from hating cooking to loving it!
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Tim gets off his ADHD medication and reduces his cholesterol by switching to plants

Tim Drescher grew up eating what he thought was a healthy diet. He exercised regularly and enjoyed more veggies than many people he knew. However, at age 50, he knew that he could feel better. His cholesterol was climbing, he’d been diagnosed with arthritis, and he wasn’t keeping up on the soccer field. Within three months of following our plant based meal plans, Tim’s cholesterol had fallen 40 points, his joint pain had cleared up, and he could safely go off the ADHD medication that he’d been taking for 20 years.
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Doctors can't believe Joseph’s recovery from congestive heart failure with a plant based lifestyle

When Joseph was admitted to the ER in December 2013, his ejection fraction was at 15%. He almost died that day. From that moment, he was on a mission to not go through that again and stuck to whole plant based foods. Just one month after his release, he was taken off of every single one of his medications. Today it’s a very healthy 70%. This story has a special place in our hearts, as Joseph is the father of our co-founder, Molly.
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Transform your health with plants