Health Makeovers

My dear, please consult with your doctor before making any changes to your diet or medication.

Health Makeovers

Katie reversed diabetes and gives kudos to our life-changing meal plans

Despite daily exercise and eating what she thought was a super healthy diet, Katie was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and showed signs of being pre-diabetic a few years later. Determined to get her numbers down, she switched to eating a whole food plant based diet and was able to get her hemoglobin A1C down to 5.4 by eating plants, including potatoes and whole-grain pasta.
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Chris reversed type 2 diabetes and lost 100 pounds by adopting a whole food plant based lifestyle and is kicking some serious ass

Chris weighed almost 300 pounds and had an A1C of 11 before deciding to do something about it. He’s been a member for years and is now 201 pounds, with an A1C of 5.1! His journey is inspirational, AND he offers up great batching tips and spills the beans on “Cowboy Caviar.” You’ll love his story.
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Leah rocks a whole food plant based diet after her weight loss surgery

After eating meat for every meal in the months following her weight loss surgery, Leah’s body gave her signs that something wasn’t right. She started searching for answers and went down the rabbit hole which led her to Clean Food Dirty Girl. Leah shares that her bouts of vomiting post-surgery went away as soon as she removed meat from her diet. She let go of counting calories and macronutrients and is now thriving on the very foods that her doctors warned against. She even shares how she still enjoys her comfort foods.
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After only seven months of a plant based diet, Frances safely stopped taking all diabetes meds

Frances is the epitome of change. She gave herself permission to change and she is nothing less than a plant based badass! She lost 55 pounds, got her A1C down from 13.8 to 5.8 in just seven months! She literally ran up and down the halls of her doctor’s office in glee. Frances said that this quest she has embarked on is one of the most liberating experiences of her life.
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Doctors can't believe Joseph’s recovery from congestive heart failure with a plant based lifestyle

When Joseph was admitted to the ER in December 2013, his ejection fraction was at 15%. He almost died that day. From that moment, he was on a mission to not go through that again and stuck to whole plant based foods. Just one month after his release, he was taken off of every single one of his medications. Today it’s a very healthy 70%. This story has a special place in our hearts, as Joseph is the father of our co-founder, Molly.
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Transform your health with plants