Sweary Saturday Love Letters

Our Sweary Saturday Love Letters are written by our ex-boozer, ex-smoker, plant-loving co-founder, Molly Patrick. honest. saucy. sweary.

Sweary Saturday Love Letters

Get a weekly dose of inspiration to eat more plants and celebrate imperfection.

Read Past Love Letters

March 4, 2023: Seven things to consider

February 25, 2023: Laying on the floor

February 18, 2023: It's a little woo

February 11, 2023: Life goes on

January 28, 2023: Divorce

January 21, 2023: You will find your way

January 7, 2023: Don't forget to eat

December 31, 2022: Don't waste another second

December 24, 2022: Loving yourself

December 10, 2022: A natural unfolding

December 3, 2022: A reminder from the nightbird

November 26, 2022: Struggle and strength

October 15, 2022: When change knocks you upside the head

September 17, 2022: My inner dialogue

September 10, 2022: The bathtub realization that resets my brain

September 3, 2022: Bathe in the delightful feelings

August 13, 2022: If you’re not motivated, read this

August 6, 2022: Shining a light on all of it

July 16, 2022: Relieving and frustrating

July 2, 2022: We need you 💓

June 18, 2022: We repeat what we don’t repair

June 11, 2022: A whole new way to look at your body

May 14, 2022: Motivation is 💩

April 30, 2022: The next time someone is snarky about your food

April 23, 2022: Learn from my lightbulb moment

January 22, 2022: Why I’m not worried about how my body looks

January 15, 2022: What I was reminded of this week

January 8, 2022: You might be wrong about this and why that's the best news ever

January 1, 2022: Why I'm celebrating not reaching my goal

December 4, 2021: Sometimes you just have to sit in it

November 20, 2021: Beating yourself up isn't helping

November 13, 2021: When we want something to be different than it is

October 30, 2021: Do I have a Halloween story for you!

October 16, 2021: You are your own unique specimen of greatness

September 25, 2021: For the love of baby goats, you need to hear this

September 18, 2021: Real talk—I love vegan butter

September 11, 2021: Where are the instructions though?

September 4, 2021: Washing laundry on your abs

August 28, 2021: If you're a perfectionist, read this

August 21, 2021: The bitter and the sweet

July 31, 2021: People told me I was crazy, I'm doing it anyway (big announcement)

July 24, 2021: Pants, potato mashers, and your superpower

July 17, 2021: A love note from me to you

July 10, 2021: Make some trouble, but first...

June 26, 2021: I was beautifully mistaken

June 12, 2021: Motivation is overrated

June 5, 2021: Need more time? Read this.

May 30, 2021: The only way I know how to do it

May 22, 2021: Tend to your heart

May 8, 2021: What if you didn't have to though?

May 1, 2021: Non-existent eyebrows

April 21, 2021: Judgy McJudgerson

April 3, 2021: You are so perfect

March 27, 2021: Where the sweet nectar lives

March 13, 2021: Truth

March 6, 2021: If we were hanging out and you asked for advice, this is what I would tell you

February 27, 2021: The dull ache

February 20, 2021: Procrastinate like a boss

February 6, 2021: A little nugget that changes everything

January 30, 2021: Sometimes I have a screaming 5-year-old in my head

January 30, 2021: When I was in college this was my morning routine

January 16, 2021: Instead of focusing on the end result, do this instead

January 9, 2021: What do you want to do?

January 2, 2021: Joke's on me

December 26, 2020: Your capacity to expand

December 5, 2020: Smelly chair

November 28, 2020: Bitter disappointment

November 14, 2020: I don't know

November 7, 2020: A lesson from Panther

October 24, 2020: I dug my butt

October 10, 2020: Let's take a step back

October 3, 2020: I have a question for you, plus my big, juicy skin update

September 5, 2020: Recalibrating the life dial

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Written by ex-boozer and ex-smoker, Molly Patrick that will help you eat more plants while throwing perfection down the garbage disposal.